Maitines Rug

$ 2,332.00 AUD

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The Maitines Rug is a masterpiece of meticulous craftsmanship, woven with care on a wooden loom using pure, chunky sheep wool, and hand-dyed with natural materials. Its remarkable texture and substantial thickness make it the perfect choice for high-traffic areas in your home. 

The Maitines Rug is presented in a sophisticated Light Caramel colour. This versatile color effortlessly complements various decor styles, ensuring it blends seamlessly into your interior design vision.

Measuring a generous 160cm x 200cm, the Maitines Rug offers ample coverage for larger areas while maintaining its inherent charm.

Other colours and sizes are available.

 Note: Being handmade, you may encounter slight variations in colors and sizes. These variations are not flaws but a testament to the individuality and care that goes into each and every product.

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